Never Learn from AliceChinese

AliceChinese designs and develops courses that make non-native Chinese speakers’ learning simple, interesting and fullfilled.

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What to Learn

Business Chinese

As the world’s most populous country, China has the world’s strongest purchasing power. Many students told us they applied our lessons because the company require Mandarin speaking skills to serve Chinese customers. With our rich experience in China’s leading industry for years, we will not only share insights regarding how to do business with Chinese.

Chinese Culture

How much do you know about the Chinese’s beliefs and behaviours, their concepts of the universe and all the unwritten rules that govern Chinese’s social behaviours? You may learn the culture from printed materials, but AliceChinese provides you with living examples. To help you undertand the culture with perspetives of the culture with a global vision.


We teach Chinese based on industry application. We will train you with Chinese speaking and listening skills you have to deal with in a specific industry.  


The learning system is just clicks away that you can learn anytime and anywhere with mobile signal available. We provide follow-up group chat for each course.


We provide online tests for each course and you will gain a certificate upon graduation. The certifite will be signed by organisation and our teachers. 

Study at Your Own Pace

Boost Your Career by Learning a Language that can Shape Your Skills.

Features of Our Courses

Why Choose Us?

Customized online lessons you cannot find anywhere else. 

Best Teaching Resources

Teachers must have rich teaching experience and industry background.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

You can set your schedule and we do follow-up for our members to enhance the learning.

Professional Certification

We provide a certificate with our credit if you passed all the tests and will introduce you a relevant job opportunity. Meanwhile, we welcome you to join our team as our paid teaching assistant or teacher upon the completion of certification.